RM MAKJaP Present Broome SHS Graduating Class of 2018 Mathematics Award

RM MAKJaP Present Broome SHS Graduating Class of 2018 Mathematics Award

Jon Hall, Survey Manager for RM MAKJaP North West and decade-long resident in the Shire of Broome had the pleasure of giving back to the local community through our sponsorship of Broome SHS Graduating Class 2018 Mathematics Awards. Last week Jon presented five awards to the School’s brightest minds:

  1. Darren Sohia – Foundation Mathematics
  2. Jazmin Shipway-Carr – ATAR Mathematics Applications
  3. Levi Thomson – ATAR Mathematics Methods
  4. Levi Thomson – ATAR Mathematics Specialist
  5. Ramida Phensuk – General Mathematics Essential

RM MAKJaP has been a commanding presence in the Pilbara and Kimberley regions of Western Australia over four decades and was honoured to present the awards. Congratulations to all winning students as we wish you all the best for your future endeavours.

ATAR Mathematics Methods Jack Bowman
ATAR Mathematics Applications Sean Williams
Levi Thomson ATAR Mathematics Specialist
Levi Thomson ATAR Mathematics Methods
Jazmin Shipway Carr ATAR Mathematics Applications